This chapter examines 'postmodern' critiques of Marxism and the assumptions made about the nature of 'race' in a capitalist society. The essence of postmodernism's critique of the Marxist analysis of 'race' stems from a scepticism towards 'grand narratives' which seek universal explanations of the social world. The chapter outlines a number of points have been made about the varieties of Marxist theory. It also outlines of postmodern critiques of Marxism in general, and in particular of the various neo-Marxist perspectives on 'race'. It has been suggested that the migrant labour model's emphasis on examining ways in which migrant labour is racialised as a process over time offers a useful framework of analysis but that this model relies upon economic reductionism. The critical realist racialisation problematic developed, provides a framework in which the various factors can be examined. The issue of determinism has been a major feature of the broad critique made of Marxism by those within the postmodern tradition.