· . . . , __ :·of Virginitie. ~-~~. :.· .4 9 matttt ruttball, but a finilllt )tale, ann eartttft Ioue to tf}e ttutlJ tntpiten of <lDotJ,tnl}o womtfctiJ to.po~ l)ijt Jpittt bpon au tleLQ, ml)idJ] l}aue bp tl)£ at ace of <!5otl (. tnl}om ] ntPll ~untblte l}onou~) felt in JUp felfe to be ttne .. - . - · · : . . · · Thefounh Chapter, ·Ofth( grtat lo11t ~fGod towards manl:ind,.u:d ofth( inward · beholding ofChriH crucitied. · .. II aet bs tl)etfo~e now,] p~ie pou,bp faitlJ be~ iJoln ann conft9et ti)e_grea;t c{Jatitie Ef gro~ neffe of \15on, tn reno~ ~t.S fonne to fuffer