The assumption that non-state actors can improve the legitimacy of global governance found its way into the rhetoric of global policymakers. The General Assembly of the United Nations resolved in its Millennium Declaration to “give greater opportunities to the private sector, non-governmental organizations and civil society, in general, to contribute to the realization of the Organization’s goals and programmes” (United Nations A/55/L.2). The Declaration on Sustainable Development which was adopted by the Rio+10 summit in Johannesburg in September 2002 acknowledges that sustainable development requires “broadbased participation in policy formulation, decision-making and implementation at all levels”. The declaration explicitly emphasizes that “to achieve our goals of sustainable development, we need more effective, democratic and accountable international and multilateral institutions” (United Nations A/CONF.199/L.6/ Rev.). This causal connection is reflected in our prime hypothesis that the legitimacy of these governance systems can only be improved if non-state actors can bring their potential to bear. Accordingly, analysis must consider the different functions which non-state actors can have during various stages of the political process.