The collapse of the Communist system in Eastern Europe and the emergence of a completely new geopolitical and social reality that is strikingly different from its forerunner, probably represented the most important breakthrough in modem world history, by far exceeding the limitations of their regional boundaries and the relatively brief period of time. However, the results for almost all Third World nations were unfortunately, predominantly negative. 1 Even though they're direct impact on and the importance for those nations varied greatly, depending on the strength and character of their links with the post -Communist region and the available option(s) of other alliances and directions of development. For a number of reasons to be discussed later, the impact of the historic events in · Eastern Europe on the situation in the Middle East-particularly in the Arab World and Israel-has been especially dramatic and important, and some of the future consequences are still difficult to predict. In discussing the relations of post -Communist Eastern Europe with the Middle East, I would like to focus on three different and yet strictly interwoven issues:

I. The role of the Soviet bloc countries in the Middle East and the importance of its collapse for the region.