Facilitators will always wish to seek feedback on their performance in running Workshops and sessions, because it 'models' the behaviour for the client and the participants, but also because such feedback will help the facilitator to improve their own practice. The facilitator role is a non-judgemental/neutral one so when positive feedback relating to the resolution of a long-standing conflict or the solving of a recurrent problem is ascribed to the skill of the facilitator in working with the team in question it is cause for quiet satisfaction. Evaluation of training events, programmes and courses has a complex history, but there is a general consensus that there are two broad types of evaluation. They are formative evaluation and summative evaluation. Facilitators should not be afraid of the evaluation process, but regularly collect valid and useful Formative data on Reactions and Learning, while pointing out to others the problematic nature of Summative evaluation at the Job Behaviour and Organizational Performance levels.