Behold clouds called me in the vision ... and in the vision winds caused me to fly and hastened me and lifted me up into heaven ... And I went into the tongue of fire and came near to a large house which was built of hailstones ... Its roof was like the path of the stars and flashes of lightning, and among them were fiery Cherubim ... And I went into that house, and it was hot as fire and cold as snow, and there was neither pleasure nor life in it. And I saw in the vision, and behold, another house, which was larger than the former ... And in everything it so excelled in glory and splendour and size that I am unable to describe to you its glory and its size ... And I looked and I saw in it a high throne, and its appearance was like ice and its surrounds like the shining sun and the sound of Cherubim. And from underneath the high throne there flowed out rivers of burning fire so that it was impossible to look at it. And He who is great in glory sat on it, and his raiment was brighter than the sun, and whiter than any snow ... And the Lord called me with his own mouth and said to me, Come hither, Enoch, to my holy word.