During the early sixties, prompted by a desire to be in the center of things and also by anti-Jewish sentiments, the order moved into the City, finding a location in the heart of the Jewish part of town in the Place des Carmes. The first document about this is in 1263 and is confirmed by subsequent papal and consular acts. The Austin or Augustinian Friars' history in Toulouse has benefited from a book by Pierre Saliès. They were first heard of in 1263, and in 1266 negotiations with Saint-Sernin allowed them the right to have a church, cemetery and house 'in suburbio Tholose,' that is, in the Bourg, and a two 'arpent' plot 'extra suburbium in barrio porte Matabovis.' The turn of the century around 1300 produced several other groups of female religious. One was called the 'sorores Sancti Augustini,' first heard of in 1294 and presumably possessed a 'domus sororum canonicarum Sancti Saturnini' in 1325.