Any study involving Martin Luther's relationship to humanism and education must establish his position on dialectic and rhetoric. This chapter presents the discussion of humanist influences of a general nature in the period 1517-18. His involvement with humanism resulted in five broad avenues of exploration. First, Luther's attitude toward education and curricular reform both at Wittenberg and at preparatory schools demonstrated a concern for humanist priorities. Second, the reformer continued to use a humanist writing style including allusions, puns, coinages, macaronic Greek with Latin and mythological creatures. Stylistic considerations were also present in his letters' introductions and conclusions. Third, there was a growing concern that theology be grounded in realistic interpretations of original language sources. Fourth, as the Renaissance proved inspirational for the Italian city-state, a burgeoning sense of German pride welled up in Luther's writings. Fifth, what were Luther's position toward other humanists, his acquaintance with their product and his attitude toward their work?.