TH! EPiSTLE~ '«ff1i£1cJ rvith that daugerous diflttfe of tht fo {jng of Gods wrath kJ:ndled ttgainfl him, bath not the cOferue ofbelefe of Gods p,.ouidece remainyng tvith him, or bryng miniflred to him. tither for fehlenef!e offlomttck_caH not receiue ttnd brook! it,or hu oppreffid appetite be;·ng Duerwhelmed with grojfe faithfi}Je ··and papiflicaU humors cat111ot abide the taft of it.TYo u(J fay)to them.for theyr difeafe is daU11ge-'I"OUS and hard to be cured. For rvhe11 t!Je rvretthed man findyng alL helpe of mau hot able to ~phold him from perifl;ing,beingflriftcn lt'ith the mightie hande ofGod,feleth him felfe "Vnt:ble to flande, no Jormdnes in his bodye, no Jlregth in his limmes,no belpe ofnature to refifl the "Violence ~(that difcafe that Gods difpleaforc hath /aide 'Vpon!Jim,fccth 110 Jignc of Gods grace in hu (oule,brtt the depe worm de$ that Gods au~er hath left in his cOfcicnce,pcrceiueth no tOI\,!11 to argue bim th'eleEl of Goa •nd,partaf<!r of the death of his S~tuioru~,hc~t