Figure 22.1 depicts a familiar roadside sign. It warns of forthcoming disruption and inconvenience to our journeys but promises better things ahead, when the road has been repaired and our travel has been made smoother and safer. But can we be believe everything that it says? We can be reasonably certain about the last part of the statement: ‘Delays possible.’ It is likely, however, that the first day of July will come and go with no sign of activity. Perhaps by the middle of the month things might start to happen, with the arrival of machinery and the erection of temporary traffic signals and other impediments to the free flow of traffic. After that, the promised six weeks might drag out to eight, ten or even 12 weeks. A familiar sign: but will this project start and finish on time? https://s3-euw1-ap-pe-df-pch-content-public-p.s3.eu-west-1.amazonaws.com/9781315245911/62d81e8a-f3ae-4858-ad42-caf03dd46be3/content/fig22_1.tif"/>