In C. H. Kepner and B. B. Tregoe’s analytical approach to problem-solving, a problem is a performance deviation: the difference between should and actual. It is unlikely that the problem-statement can be agreed at the outset. Writing a problem-statement is rather like raising a battle-flag. It is a symbolic act showing the level of seriousness and commitment to action felt by the team. It is important that a project team agrees a problem-statement which is short, clear, and unambiguous, and includes a definable measure of successful performance. ‘How To’ (H2) statements helps to experiment with formulating the problem or problems into an accessible shape. The way managers express the H2 statements can use metaphor to capture the imagination. A deviation statement specifies an object, or class of objects with an associated shortfall in performance, or class of malfunction so that people can discover the reason for the relationship.