The greedy Lyo1t mitling of his Prey, How wou'd he Tryumph, in your Halcion Day ?. Wich Mofes thou hall: Sacred Wonders '\V rought, And through the Sea, a Conqu'ring Army btonght; At rhy Requdr, the Raging Waves were Calm, Neptu!le Obey'd, and Chid each Roaring Storm; lE'llus and the Trito11.t of the Deep, r i:!fi1r imo Golden Slumbers, fell aileep. Thus by a Scrong and Mighty Potent Hand, You brought 'em fafe to this Diftrdfed Land, \Vbilfi

[ 2 l Whilfi Hcro·s firove who lhou'd the Viaor be, Nought but t be Bible won the Viaorie ; The Sacred Spell, our Souldiers put .to flight, ~ Their Swords 1nch~nted, lilent as the Night They fiole away, and darfi not fiand to fight; Your Pr.ayers Afcending to the Imperial Throne Remov'd your Station, and remov'd the Crown : Nor can Time's Annals, ever parallel, What, not long fince, to Prince, and People fell ; Without Effufion of their purple Gore, They flew like Lightning, and were feen no more: the Great, the Small, all in a yielding tone Pleaded Religion, whilfi their Prince was gone And in a WretchedMinute quite undone. Thus by the pow~ of your Magick Art ( Divinely blefi ) you made our Army ll:art ; W1th a Rdifilefg Courage, on you !ed, And rais'd your Drooping Honour from the De2d: Such a Prodigious \tVond~r, ne'er v:as beard, Without a Fight, fo many Thoufands fear" d : But 'twas Decreed the Grea~fi: fhould be Crofl: A Penfive King, and his Three Kingdonu lofi. There is no bfiing SatisfaCtion here , The Befi may hope, and yet at laft defpair.