PcnU.1. Widd.Q\y,l?aithlwilltcll thee tthCj My heart’s inJBam'ih and 'tis by you : But my paffipo will decay. If you make too long delay. Flames that with moft vigor burn, Sooneft into allies turn:. Then rcfolve, and quickly too, Shall 1 ftay, or bid adieu r* • Toolifli Lovers that do place All their pleafurcs in onefacc 5 Let them for favors long cxpedtj

. I foon will have, orXoonncgle#:; This is not common Cburtlhips wayj; But fincc I lov'd you'tis a day: And if you cannot pay the fcorc, V'are poorj and I willtruft no more. I've ways my Fortunes to undo, Without the help of-lendingyou;’ i can both drink, and game, and fwe«td Does this not tempt you f tell .the fair. Yet H a kinder Husband,be*;

• Th an thofe that iin more fecre;ly, ■ ; ; But ifypu proudly now deny • •

Tblpveiae,Faith 1 will not dy. ' L a •: Enter