Do ftrive to carry % to which ween rightpf Lirth ; Is wanting, they make ufurping Power, and b . > . : Treafons gqilt become their unrefiftvd title. •. And certainly, \vhat is fooftcn.purchaftd • • By th' death ofMillionsfaridtlieheigiitof Crimes, When lawfuhy acquir'd,'maywellexcule i • ••'■ ;

'■ A more th: n common joy expiHFinfucli>.i : - • . ' An elevated Fortune. . ; ' . .;

:w Aim. NV •

£^i&w,'.bJpjdoubt. ..it; does j -and ’hw.as the generalexpecfatipn, and our furprize the greater, finding his looks - ‘ - And a&ioM iRew inch an unmoV’d indrffc.rcncie. v ;. ' ‘.tx i, ‘ChftajujljJf bcgetjar9^cajcntyTor:fitddc?n fitSsf**

or.High, carcffcldpnj ,or n^vt -^keephKithin thole bounds’, Reafi^vojjpolidc prcferibes tbcm. '.‘,iSit.heArcfolv'd to Ihcw-. by; fpmething far from common in Man­ kind,Fortune was Juft, not blind, in giving him a Sceptre. But who;aniohgRalld$.Court is likely to carry • • The n a m e . o t F a v p r j t e '' / •*

AIm, Hsvthafc ppifedes the greateft fharere Mtlynet,' Nephew to the kte Lord lUry<»/«*,' that was the fair Mar­ cellas Father, His growth in greatnefs was like a Mnflirom, fo fuddain , which hasbegot much, wonder in the Court/ . ■ ; * . Enter Lucidore. ■. ■ Oh Lucidore I . : h •' : , "

Luc. Nay hold,npquarreling.5 I have been fuftering Sufficiently for my breach ofpromife. ■ nv • '

Aim. Why pr’ythee £. what Difafter, that the know* ledg may. make fome fadsfacUon/ * . For I dare fwear ir is fpme.Ooiircal a.ccidgnr. 3 ■ • Luc. If tolofe'aMa^sFl'cafon fir ft, iand then all his Mo­

ney, be matter of Mirth 5 it is fo :: for that’s the true cha­ rade r of my condition. ; Aim . As h o w * * W . WSS

■ Luc.. W hy,. jhft ds I left you the other night, I met with our new Favourite * and ftraight' my brain was feiz’dwith a piece of policy» to try ifl could cirinkaway his Urider-

' ftanding, and keep fo much of my.own toplay’the Juftice ofPeace with him , and fift.our the-Reaforrofiiisfo much admir’d ^ reatnefs.with the King t but I, like other Statefimen, fail d in.my Defign/andmade my -felf as Uncapable of Qjeftionsi as he was of Anfwcrsv Bor that wbicbmakes. me the moft madraod will make thee the moft merry,vhs,

that I muft needs befhakingofmy Elbow^and pay thefirft Tribute to his fortune and iuccefs in Gaming.