The geographer as traveller: seeing and knowing This chapter discusses the methodological question: what does a woman-centred perspective imply in terms of new insights about geography and travel? The question will be answered by discussing a feminist theory of knowledge that creates a well-argued connection between female subjectivity and feminist objectivity. To do this, I will analyse two methodological problems in field research that take their outset in a reconstruction of my own subjective experiences from two periods of fieldwork. The first problem concerns the status of observation in objectivity, while the second concerns the relationships between lived life and the textual representation of this. The starting point for field research is that development of knowledge takes place somewhere. This somewhere is a field. A field is not a physical locality or a territorially fixed community, but a field of care for creation and recreation of knowledge. The field encompasses the researcher and the researched and the factual social relations and interaction between these, in addition to the constitution and outcome of these relations.