H O R A C E . Now by your conftancy your birth cpnfefs, And if my death allows him the fuccefs, Let him not be your Brother’s Murtherer thought, But a brave man that does but what he ought, Whofervcsbis Country nobly, and docs (hew By that great way how much he merits you , Conclude your match as i f I were alive j But if this Sword /hall him n f life deprive, M y conqueft fihen with equal candour ufe, Nor o f your Lover’s death my hand accufie. I fee your grief by your approaching tears, Exhale with him your forrowa and yout fears; Quarrel with Heaven and Earth, o f Fate complain, But the fight done, no more regret the (lain. You but a minute muft with her beftow, (Tc Cntims And then where Honour calls us let us go.