Dreft in fuch terrour as to make us all Be Anti-Ferfians, and adore his F a ll; Then quits the world depriving it o f Day, While eveiy Herb and Plant does droop away So when our gafping Englifb Royalty Perceiv’d her Period was now drawing nigh, She fummons her whole ftrength to give one blow, T o raife her fclf, or pull down others too. Big with revenge and hope flie now fpake more O f terror than in many months before j Arid mufters her Attendants, or tofave Her from, or elfe attend her to, the Grave .* Y et but enjoy’d the miferable fate O f fetting Majcfty, to die in State. Unhappy Kings, who cannot keep a Throne, Nor be fo fortunate to fall alone I Their weight finks others : Fotnpey could not fly, But half the World muft bear him company; Andcaptiv’d Sampfott could not life conclude, Unlefs attended with a multitude. W h o’d truft to Greatnefs now, whofe food is air, W hofe ruine fudden, and whofe end defpair ? W ho would prefilme upon his Glorious Birth, Or quarrel for afpacious fhare o f Earth, That fees fuch Diadems become fo cheap, And Heros tumble in a common heap ? Oh give me Vertue then, which fums up all, And firmly ftands when Crowns and Scepters fall.