A C H I L L A S . W c may do much, Sir, in our prefent State, T w o miles from hence, fix thoufand Souldiers wait j Which I, forefeeing fome new Difeontents, Have kept in readinefs for all Events j C^far with all his Arts, could not fbrefce That underneath this Town a Vault /hould be, By which this night we to the Palace may Oilr Men with Eafe, and without noife convey ; T ’ a/fault his life by open force alone, W ould be the only way to lofe your own : W e muft: furprizehim, and aft our defign, When he is Drunk with Pleafure, Love, and Wine. The People are all ours, for when he made His entry, horrour did their Souls invade ; When with a Pomp fo arrogantly grave, His Fafccs did our Royal Enfigns btavc; I mark’d what Rage at that injurious view, From their indented Eyes, like fparkles, flew ; And they fo much did with their fury ftrive, That your lcaft Countenance may it revive. Scptimiuj Souldiers fill’d with greater hate, Struck with the terrour o f their Leader’s Fate., Seek nothing but revenge on him, who them D id , in their Captains Perfon,fo contemn.