C + 7 . ) The fault which you create you muft excufe: You did my Crown, and perhaps life reftore, And yet your love ( I truft) will grant me m ore; And I conjure you, by its ftrongeft C h a r m s , By that great Fortune which attends your Arms, By all my hopes, and all yotir high defert, D ip not in Blood the bounties you impart; Great Sir, forgive thöfe chat have guilty beert, Or elfe by that let me appear a Queen Achillas and Photinur blood difdain, For they endure enough to fee me reign; And their Oftenfc--------

C fiL S A R. Ah 1 by fome other way

Affure vour felf how much my W ill you fway, As you rule me, i f I might you requeft, You better (hould employ your intcrefti Govern your Cxfar, as a lawful Qpeen, And make him not partaker o f their Sin i For your fake only, I the King dürft fparc ; ’ Twas love alone that-—

S C E N . IV .