I f thou think’ft Hate yields to acknowledgment: N o, Pompey s blood muft all commerce deny, Betwixt his W idow and his Enemy. And I thy offer’d Freedom would enjoy, That to thy ruine I might it employ. Nay, I fhall make new bufinefsfor thy Sword, af thou dar’ft be fo juft to keep thy Word. But though fo much on thy deftruftion bent, Y et I thy Murthcr would as much prevent. I have thy death with too much juftice fought, That it fhould now be with a Treafon bought. W ho knows and fnffers does partake the guilt, Nor fhould thy blood be infamoufly fpilt. But when my Husband’s Sons, and Kindred do Attempt thy death, then IfhaJI wifti it too. And that fome brave Arm, which I fhall excite, May in the Field, and in thy Armies fight, Offer thee nobly to that Hero's Ghoft, In whofe revenge thou To much zeal beftoweft. M y reftlefs thirft for fucha day as this, By thy untimely fall its end would mifs. But whatfocYc hopes from abroad I may Receive, yet I am rack'd by their delay. “ For diftant fatisfaftion is half loft .• “ And long expefted joies too dearlycoft. I fhall not wander on the Affricl^ Strands; T o feek the vengeance ready in thy hands,
