I Can assure Your Honours, that I have always been for the Peace of King and Kingdom, which I am sure is for the good of all; and your Honours knows, that we are to love our Neighbour as our self: But I have loved the good of this Kingdom before my own good; for it was not because I was Interest in the East-India-Company, or my Husband a Member, that moved me to make Application to your Honours, but the consideration of Thousands being undone, and the dishonour your Honours will get by so dong, and for fear of the loss of the Affections of the King’s Subjects, by reason they would receive so great damage: And indeed it should be your care to preserve Love and Unity, and not create Hatred and Animosities. Yesterday the Crowd being so very great robb’d me of the Happiness of hearing the Case distinctly; but this I did hear, that when the King made them a Company, he did it with a reserve: Viz. That if they did not behave themselves well, or if it was not for the good of the Kingdom, He could in a short time unmake them again. I know that the King is a Gracious Prince, and will not be angry with his Subjects without a just Cause, and as I am inform’d they have not offended in any matter since their last Settlement: and they have shew’d their Fidelity to His Majesty by lending Him Two Millions of Money, which is more than the Interlopers have done: Therefore, I hope the King is not angry with them by reason they have been so useful to him. And the East-India-Company is not injurious to the Kingdom as it appears by making a new one: So that, there seems no reason to suppose the King angry, but it is Your Honours is angry, because your necessity required Two Millions to be lent, and they refused it; but now they are willing and able to perform it, if Your Honours will settle them upon as good a Foundation as you would the New; for the New will not lend Two Millions without Your Honours will Establish them; And why should not Your Honours do as much for the Old as for the New, when they are willing to lend as much as the other.? And sure Your Honours cannot refuse them, because they have Right and Justice on their side. Indeed wise and good Men were afraid that the want of Money would make Your Honours do that which you would not; but the Old East-India-Company supplying you with what you desired, none think you can be so unkind as not to accept of it, for Your Honours may be assured they will perform it. And Your Honours, will prevent your Brethren of doing an ill thing, for God hath said, Cursed de the Man that removeth the Landmark: But how much more they that take their House and Trade?.