MRS. JAMEES Wisheth your Lorship, and the Court of Aldermen, Health and Happiness, Peace and Prosperity: Since Providenceorder’d that You should come into the Chair with Peace without any Opposition, I hope it will he your Fatherly Care to take Care of the City, for the Governours hath taken a great Care for the Peace of this Kingdom: which is a Miracle,for no Monal could have thought that we should have had so much Peace after the Queen‘s Decease! But we fee what Miracles God hath wrought for Us, to deliver us from the Popish-Yoak;but if we could break from our Sins and put our Trust in God, he will Work greater Miracles then all these, for it is by His goodness that the Lords and Commons have Acted so Wisely and Prudently to take Care of so many Things; but they have left out one which your Lordship may rectifie, for it is a Wonderfull good thing to put down Serpents and Squibbs, for it was the Devil Invented it because he delights to do Mischief, for what Pleasure can it be when they are in continualfear of having their Cloths Burnt or their selves Hurt.