LORD I know oot’what to do, for my Heart is Wounded to see the wickedness of Mankimd, for they are filled with the Devil, and they are set upon Michief, and the Devil will never forsake tram till he ham brought them to Destruction for their is no sincerity in their Month, for when they speak one thing they think another, for they are grown so decirful you may as well speak to the Devil as speak to them, for there is no fear of God before their Eyes, for the Devil reigns in them, and there fore they hate all that is for Peace, for their Hearts are fill’d with destruction, and that is their Delight and I pity the Magistrates that arc to Govern them, for they turn all God’s Blessings into Judgment for now through His Goodness He hath sent us Peace, they will tot be contented, but they will have War; and they are like the Children of Ifrael, for all God bath wrought to many Miracles to deliver them yet they was for returning into Fgyp, and God was Angry with them and they perished in the Wilderness: And now me thinks I hear them say, it would have been better for as if we had the Pretender tho’ they can’t tellwhat’ Judgmens would have come with him, but they shall never have the Pretender, till the Pope lays down his Infability and comes to the Naked Truth for they have been the Ring-leaders of all the Ring-leaders of the Mischies ever sine the Refosmation, for they are as busie now to bring Destruction upon the Church, and Kingdom and King too as ever; for they can’d rer rest for they are like the Devil, for he could net rest when he was in Heaven; for this is a Heaven, but it is the Devil, that make it a Hell, for where God’s Word is that is Heaven, but the Devil would overthrow it, and he has overthrown it once already, and hath filled the!Kingdom with his Trash; for Mandind is so full that I cant beleive a Word that they say, and he would be at the same Game again, for he is not contented with thei: Bodies, but be would have their Souls too.