All tract of land is divided into various territories or districts with their own names and boundaries, which are called moganos. These territories formerly had their own fumos, or petty cafre kings, but they have been gradually acquired by the Portuguese upon various occasions which have presented themselves. The Portuguese settlers had frequently fought wars in the interior, but they were taken by surprise when Changamire attacked the fairs and destroyed them in 1695. Although the Portuguese continued to trade with the peoples of the plateau, using the fair at Manica and a newly established fair at Zumbo near the confluence of the Zambesi and the Luangwa, they now turned their attention to expansion north of the river and to exploiting gold diggings that were discovered along northern escarpment. The settlers at Ongoe and Indians from Quitamburvize heard what had happened at Dambarare and fled to the zimbabwe of Monomotapa, where Manuel Pires Saro was captain of the garrison.