African countries, especially those in the sub-Saharan region, are paying a high price for social heterogeneity. This price includes the inability to achieve social mobilization for development. Throughout sub-Saharan Africa, a mentality of 'every man or woman for himself or herself seems to permeate group and individual attitudes and behavior. This mentality is generally reinforced by persistent inefficient and subjective economic management, improper functioning of national institutions and persistent political instability.' As recent studies show, ethnic diversity may make a society more susceptible to 'corruption, political instability and slow economic growth, due to political conflict and lack of cooperation among ethnic groups' .2 For example, Edward Miguel found that a 'higher level of local ethnic diversity is associated with sharply lower primary school funding and worse facilities in Western Kenya'. He found that distinct and deeply-rooted types of ethno-linguistic and religious differentiations severely limited social pressures for contributions to schools. He notes that ethnically diverse communities in western Kenya were less able than ethnically homogenous communities to pressure parents to make school payments.