Pakistan has, however, been and still is to a lesser extent the foremost breeding ground for Islamic militancy and training of mujahideen. The Pakistan government’s involvement with Islamic militants later became a liability when after the incidents of 9/11 the United States turned against the Taliban and commenced its war on Islamic militants under the guise of a ‘war on terror’. In the subsequent constitutional revision of 1962 under the aegis of President General Ayyoub Khan also the name Islamic Republic remained in the preamble only. The usual norm in an Islamic state is for the Ulama to take a leading role in the governance of the state. The Islamic state is a theocratic state in which the paramount authority is vested in God. The Soviet occupation of Afghanistan was a favourable factor for Zia in his Islamicisation quest. The opposition to the Soviet-supported Marxist regime there came from the mujahideen.