The Islamic state has many positive benefits. It offers ideals of morality and ethics far superior to that of secularist ideologies such as capitalism or Marxism. There is some truth in what Tarik Jan states of the Islamic state: The Islamic state is not adversarial to civil society. The tension between law and the individual or the never-ending conflict between the societal good and individual rights so often the case in secular societies is mostly non-existent in an Islamic state; for the Shari’ah, contrary to man-made laws, is held sacrosanct both by the state and its citizens. Pakistan became a front-line state actively engaged in promoting and aiding the fight against Marxism in Afghanistan. The Inter-Services Intelligence wing of the Pakistan Army had all along promoted and aided the Jihadis. Bush’s failed foreign policy, especially the wrong way it has gone about tackling the terror menace, has enabled the radicals, fundamentalists and extremists to garner support in Pakistan.