Two Portuguese captains, Jorge Alvares and Rafael Perestrelo, had reached China in 1513 and 1514 respectively. The emperor of China is a pagan, ruling over an enormous territory and many people. Without diminishing the glory of any other country, China certainly seems to be respected, good and very wealthy. Castanheda's chronicle describes the first official Portuguese expedition to China. Fernao Peres de Andrade made his second attempt in June 1517. Frei Caspar da Cruz, gives a partial account of Portuguese experiences off the Chinese coast prior to the establishment of their settlement in Macau in 1557. With effect from 1554, trading in China has been conducted quietly and without danger. In 1549, the captains of the naval task force imposed a stricter coast watch and greater surveillance of the harbours of China to stop both goods and provisions reaching the Portuguese. But despite all the watching and vigilance, they could not prevent certain goods reaching the Portuguese in secret.