The World H ealth Organization estim ates th a t depressive d isorders are a principal source of d isability worldwide (WHO, 2001), corroborated by high ra tes of depressive disorders am ong women in developing countries (Chandran, Tharyan, Muliyil, & A braham , 2002; Galler, H arrison, Ramsey, Forde, & Butler, 2000; H usain, Creed, & Tom enson, 2000; Patel, Rodrigues, & DeSouza, 2002; Reichenheim & H arpham , 1991; Wolf, De A ndraca, & Lozoff, 2002). Economic p ressu res and declining family support associated with changing family s tru c tu re are possible reasons for high ra tes of m aternal depression (Colla, Buka, H arrindton, & M urphy, 2006; Cooper et al., 1999; Rodrigues, Patel, Jasw al, & de Souza, 2003).