Reading through Anselm's works closely and in concert with one another has, this chapter provides a renewed appreciation for the place of beauty and fittingness as foundational for much of what he wrote. His prayers, his arguments and his explorations all evince a model of reality, a weltbild which puts a premium on unity, harmony and fittingness; all of which express the relatedness of particularity in the singularity of divinity. In the three dialogues such as, De Veritate, De Libertate Arbitrii and De Casu Diaboli, Anselm explained that just as God's actions are true and free because they are in harmony with who he is, so our actions can be true and free when they are in harmony with God's. The re-creation effected by God in the hearts and minds of humanity is there mirrored by the transformation of ordinary words to portray the order and balance of redemption achieved through the fitting activity of God.