The orthodox counter-offensive continued after the synodical condemnation. A twelfth edition of Essays and Reviews was published in 1865, with suitable notations indicating the passages acquitted in 1862 and in 1864. Wilson continued his reviewing of religion and philosophy in the Westminster Review throughout 1870. In that year he proposed a second volume of Essays and Reviews. But a stroke in 1871 put him and his project out of action. Rowland Williams pugnaciously reasserted his old positions, especially on prophecy as moral witness rather than prediction. He did this through a translation of the Hebrew prophets, published in 1866 and 1871. Charles Goodwin had made his only contribution to religious thought in Essays and Reviews:, his main contributions were in Egyptology, and he wrote on music and literature before going off to the Orient as a judge. The Broad Church movement did not move forward after the publication of Essays and Reviews.