The impact of neoliberal globalization has been an area of intellectual endeavour with proponents and critics alike commenting from their vantage points. While proponents argue that globalization opens up a unique opportunity for sustained and long-term equitable growth and development and are euphoric about its positive impacts (Bergsten, 1996; Naisbitt, 1995) among others, the critics of globalization thesis opine that the positive reviews and claims made on behalf of the processes that have become epoch-defining in contemporary times are grossly exaggerated (Cox, 1998; Gray, 1998; Kapstein, 1996). This chapter examines one of the conventional critiques or alternatives to neoliberal globalization associated with the Third Way political project which proposes a middle ground between statist socialism and neoliberal market reforms. The objective is to challenge and critique this particular intellectual tradition of critical theory which is associated with the Third Way. It is argued that by failing to articulate a genuine alternative to globalization, the Third Way adopts an accommodating stance vis-à-vis neoliberal globalization, deepens corporate globalization and thus views it as being inevitable.