In the 1760s George Adams senior, in his capacity as mathematical instrument maker to his majesty, supplied numerous philosophical instruments and apparatus for what is now known as the King George III Collection. A generation later, George Adams junior was fortunate in obtaining several orders for instruments and apparatus in the fields of astronomy, mechanics, optics, and electricity for the similar collection then being assembled in Haarlem by Martinus van Marum for Teyler's Foundation. This collection survives largely intact in its purpose-built home (Teyler's Museum), which also houses much of van Marum's extensive correspondence relating to it. The instruments and apparatus in Teyler's Museum at Haarlem have been fully described and illustrated in volume IV of Martinus Van Marum, Life and Work (1973); the descriptive catalogue itself, by G.L'E. Turner, included in that volume as pp. 129–401, is also available as a separate item.