This chapter lists the resources, such as networks, journals, guides and books, that help in action learning. The International Foundation for Action Learning (IFAL) provides an advisory service, publishes a newsletter, maintains a useful library and a bibliography service, holds workshops, and otherwise disseminates information about action learning.Action Learning: Research & Practice is an international journal dedicated to the advancement of knowledge and practice through action learning. It publishes academic papers, practitioner "accounts of practice" and reviews. A user-friendly guide to action learning especially written for people who want to facilitate themselves is: D-I-Y Handbook for Action Learners (2005) Mandy Chivers and Mike Pedler Liverpool. Reg Revans has written eloquently over many years about action learning. Four key books are: ABC of Action Learning (1998) London: Lemos & Crane; The Origins and Growth of Action Learning (1982) Bromley, Kent: Chartwell-Bratt; Developing Effective Managers (1971) New York: Praeger; and Action Learning: New Techniques for Managers (1980) London: Blond and Briggs.