Historically, the fragmentation of Yemen between many conflicting entities, coupled with the deterioration of socioeconomic circumstances, made the population very nostalgic for the pre-Islamic period when Yemen has had powerful and prosperous political entities. The emergence of the Republic of Yemen was a result of the unification of the Yemen Arab Republic (YAR) and the People’s Democratic Republic of Yemen (PDRY). The Republic of Yemen has had three parliaments since unification. The first parliament appeared, according to the unity agreement, as a merger between the 111-member People's Supreme Council of the south and the 159-member Consultative Council of the north; in addition 31 members were appointed among the ex-southemers. The second parliament was fully elected on 27 April 1993. The third and current parliament was elected on 27 April 1997 and is supposed to be reelected in 2001. The Parties and Political Organization Law No. 66 for 1991 organizes and regulates the formation of parties and political organizations in Yemen.