In my best manner I recommend me unto you. By your letters of the 12th of this month, I perceive that there is great default in conveyance of letters, and of special men ordained to be sent in post; and that the King’s pleasure is, that posts be better appointed, and laid in all places most expedient; with com­ mandment to all townships in all places, on pain of life, to be in such readiness, and to make such provision of horses, at all times, as no tract or loss of time be had in that behalf. Sir, it may like you to understand, the King’s grace hath no more ordinary posts, nor of many days hath had, but between London and Calais; and they in no wages, save the post of London in 12d. and Calais 4d. a day; but riding by the journey whereof, most part, pass not 2 in a month; and since October last, the posts northward, every one at 12d. by day. Those in wages be bound but to one horse; which is enough for that wages, albeit some of them have more. I never used other order, but to charge the townships to lay and appoint such a post, as they will answer for. And Butler, the King’s messenger, for these northward, was sent when I laid them, to see them sufficient; and surely the posts northward, in time past, have been the most diligent of all other. Wherefore, supposing by my conjecture that the fault is there, I incontinently sent, through them, a writing sharp enough, showing their defaults, the King’s high displeasure, and the danger. I also wrote to all the townships that way, seemingly touching obeying of placards and other writings, sent for provision of post horses. Now, Sir, if the fault be elsewhere, where post lie, I, upon knowledge had from you, will put it to the best remedy I can; but if in any other ways like order shall be taken, I pray you advertise me. For, Sir, you know well, that except the hackney horses between Gravesend and Dover, there is no such usual conveyance for men in this realm as is in the accustomed places of France and other parties; no men can keep horses in readiness without some way to bear the charges: but when placards be sent for such cause, the constables be fain to take horses out of the ploughs and carts, wherein can be no extreme diligence. This I write, lest the tract should be imputed there it is not. But, Sir, not taking it upon me to excuse the posts, I would advertise you that I have known in times past folk which, for their own thank, have dated their letters a day or 2 more before they were

written, and the conveyers have had the blame. As to posts between London and the Court, there be none but 2; whereof one is a good robust fellow, and was wont to be diligent, evil entreated many times, he and other posts, by the herbigeours [the royal harbingers], for lack of horse room, or horsemeat, without which diligence cannot be. The other hath been the most painful fellow, in night and day, which I have known amongst the messengers. If he now slack, he shall be changed, as reason is. He sueth the King for some small living for his old service, having never had ordinary wages, till now, a month or little more, this post’s wages. It may please you to advertise me, in which of them 2 you find default, and he shall be changed. I wrote unto my Lord of Northumberland, to write on the back of the packets the hour and day of the despatch, and so I did to other[s]; but it is seldom observed. I will also desire you to remember that many times happen 2 despatches in a day, one way, and sometimes more; and that often seasons happen contra posts, that is, to ride both northward and southward; this is much for one horse, or one man. My Lord of Northumberland hath sent a post, my Lord Dacre another in the neck of him; they of Berwick a 3rd, and sometimes Sir John Lawson apart, another; and, in the same time, despatches from hence northward. Now I have adver­ tised you of the premises, it may please you I may know the King’s further pleasure; and I shall, according to my bounden duty, diligently obey the same, by God’s grace, who preserve you. At my poor house, the 17th day of August, 1533.