This chapter describes the activity of card groups in a nutshell, aim of the activity, need of the activity, time required for the activity, how the activity works and the advantages of the activity. The tutor writes a selection of provocative questions on separate index cards. The cards are thrown into a hat or other container and each student subgroup picks out one card. The questions on the card set the agenda for the various small-group discussions, and the spokesperson for each mini-group notes down the key ideas and arguments aired in the 10-minute sessions. The usual with small-group work: the occasional dominating student, the drift of conversation on to irrelevant topics and so on. Students will be engaged in the cut-and--thrust of question-answering, discussion, and perhaps even question-asking. Instead of the tutor writing the questions on the cards, the students could be asked to formulate the questions themselves, and write them on the cards. The activity could then proceed on the basis of each subgroup answering another subgroup's question.