Read a Treasury letter, dated the 13th of January respecting the proposed new building in front of the Board room - deferring a final answer until the settling of the Museum Estimates; expressing alarm at the growth of expenditure, the difference between the Estimates of 1880-81 and of 1884-85 amounting to f:33,000, representing f:1,000,000 Capital; stating that it is absolutely necessary to define the principle on which future additions are to be made to collections, for either the building must be indefmitely extended or a large reduction made in the purchasing vote; observing that new acquisitions are objectionable while present collections are not properly exhibited; urging that provision having been made for catalogues, either a restriction should be placed on new acquisitions or a reduction made in present Collections, or both measures adopted; suggesting that as the personalleanings of Keepers of Departments are inevitably in one direction, a special Committee, or special Committees, of the Trustees should discuss the question, and offering assistance in the carrying out of the inquiry; and declining, as at present advised, to provide for the new buildings, estimated at from f:10,000 to f:12,000, but proposing to obtain areport on the scheme from the Office of Works meanwhile reserving their final decision.