“A hall where public meetings are usually held, a hall peopled with political echoes, the ghosts of banners … It is an untenable structure, a performance straining the limits of the possible: a theoretical debate presented by intellectuals for intellectuals on the sexuality of women.” 1 The stage has three focal points: a blackboard, a screen and slide projector, and another screen for digital images emanating from a computer. There is a table downstage covered with books, from which some of the characters quote. Spotlight on Xon , who steps into view and begins, sensuously, to draw a large semi-colon with white chalk on the blackboard. Meanwhile, ZPupil (computer eye) fiddles with the slide projector as YABA 2 surreptitiously superimposes images on the blackboard and slide projector screen (BLP 3 ). The characters—think of them as X , Y , Z —are engaged in a heated discussion about the value of three different sexual organs punctuation marks.