There is a city, unfit for kings or presidents and uninteresting to explorers, where citizens concern themselves with no grand issues of life like the existence of deities, the prevention of global disaster, or the fellowship of humanity. Instead, these men, women, and children focus all of their energies on small injustices and micro-advances—things they actually have a chance at changing. Their personal fulfillment is based on getting one person, maybe two people, to change their minds on a given subject. They have no courts, judges, or jails. What they have is theatre. This doesn’t mean that there are no important ramifications of these actions. These citizens whole-heartedly believe in the butterfly effect, that their little moments of social justice will ripple out. For example, one aggrieved mother appealed to the theatre. A full production was mounted on the issue, cast and crew hired, a script written, rehearsals, lights, sets, and a performance mounted: