Data collection to fill in the measurements for these variables can take several forms.

These include observations, interviews, questionnaires, surveys, tests, focus groups, and the

use of secondary sources for data. Observation, simply put, is looking at what the research

subjects are actually doing and recording those inspections in a uniform way. In an interview,

the researcher actually talks to the participants to gather pertinent information regarding the

research topic. Questionnaires are self-reported data-collection instruments used to gather and

compile information in an orderly way according to the research construct. Surveys, which

may be done person-to-person or through other means, are a form of questionnaires that may

be used in a variety of circumstances. Tests are standardized measures of personality traits or

ability and validity checks. In all cases, the sample is a group of individuals who become the

research participants and who provide data on the existence, incidence, distribution, or interre-

lationship of the characteristics under scrutiny.