This chapter highlights the topics which defining the clinical practice of police psychology by the real-deal summaries of interviews with the experts in the field of odentological autopsies and medical experts. It discusses of experts who delve deeper into the realms of their own medical/dental insights, opening up vistas informing their own specialty and others, such as police psychology. Case studies augment to educate, pique attention, and awaken curiosity as to what is done in real police work. Where police psychologists impact on real cases of relevance in medical and dental investigations of crimes yet unsolved is one such area that is worthy of refocus. Police investigations distinguish innocence from guilt on street-level preliminary investigations. The work of forensic odontologists crosses over into police psychology by the nature of analysis of both fields. Forensic odontologists are used in civil and criminal cases where there expertise is called on to decipher intention or an absence of valid evidence.