Chapter 3 emphasizes EMDR as a unique neurobiological protocol and the numerous evidence-based studies that support it. Ten diverse studies, conducted in the last decade, are included for my readers. This chapter also provides an in-depth discussion of the core components of EMDR based on Francine Shapiro’s Adaptive Information Processing (AIP) model, her eight-phased treatment modality and three-pronged strategy, and the role of the therapist in healing trauma as well as the invaluable and cutting-edge contributions of Bessel van der Kolk, Stephen W. Porges, and Peter A. Levine that texturize the various treatment phases of the EMDR modality. In addition, this chapter summarizes more controversial neural brain-stimulating techniques that have captured the attention of researchers and clinicians such as neurofeedback (further addressed by my colleagues at the Neurovation Center in Sandy Hook, Connecticut, in one of my appendices), electroconvulsive therapy (ECT), EFT tapping, Brainspotting and the use of BioLateral Sound CDs to enhance Brainspotting, and Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation.