Mary Heather Elizabeth Livingstone used a variety of sources for studying US history including Joy Hakim's nonfiction History of US series, several picture books such as From Slave Ship to Freedom Road, as well as biographies and primary sources whenever possible. Teachers who implement longer focused studies point to how many curricular goals are accomplished in one focused study. For example, at Mary Shorey's school, the first-grade curriculum "included a study of families, neighbourhoods, citizenship rights and responsibilities, and needs and wants. Eighth-grade teacher Carol Porter describes her work with co-teacher Evelyn Hanssen in planning and implementing an author study by talking about "planning to plan," student choice, initiating experiences, student-and teacher-generated invitations, multimodal publications, and culminating experiences. Both Mitzi Lewison and Chris Leland have teachers and prospective teachers interview groups of students and create focused, author, illustrator, and genre studies with colleagues based on student interests and wonderings.