Another important of aspect social change is the insecurity of romantic relationships, which Bauman identifi es as liquid love , the equivalent of liquid society. 1 This is an aspect which sociology does not give much importance to, relegating it rather to topical issues, popular how-to guides, and light-hearted manuals, but it is of fundamental importance in the fi eld of collective insecurity. This intimate fear, this uncertainty about our fate in terms of sentimental relationships, which is unquestionably refl ected in the quality of life of men and women, has its centrality in the liquidity of the family, in the ease and speed with which family relationships, marriages, and emotional ties are broken and reformed on other bases. The superfi ciality with which new relationships are made is in the hope of recovering stability, an existential balance supported by feelings, which is able to instil the sense of security that is no longer to be found in the community we live and work in.