Chapter 5 identifies and describes pattern languages in Karanfilköy and Fatih Sultan Mehmet, which are successful examples of people and a culture creating living centers that follow the generic patterns that Alexander advocates. Importantly, these patterns are successful in both the context of each neighborhood, and the context of the modern, urbanizing Istanbul of the last 50 or so years. The people of Karanfilköy and Fatih Sultan Mehmet have been largely successful in creating and repeating patterns that generate life (as defined by Alexander). As Alexander points out, the patterns and centers found in these neighborhoods get to the heart of the matter of the residents’ experiences and functions (Alexander 2002b, 357–360; Alexander et al. 1977). The patterns listed in this chapter are less concerned, for the most part, with style, and instead concerned with the important essentials and life of the place and spaces in the neighborhoods.