In setting up an entrepreneurial media outlet, it is important first to establish the principles it will run on and the values it stands for. These can lead to a mission statement that will form the basis of the site’s “about us” page. Since the success of the outlet lies in the hands of its potential audience, the next step is to identify a niche area of coverage that is new or not already well addressed and will attract readers. Localisation and specialisation are among the ways suggested to do this. Next is to build a brand by finding an attractive name that suits the mission and niche and then marketing the outlet like any other product, doing some simple market research to test out ideas. The next key is to ensure a consistent stream of high-quality content. Even for those with little commercial background, a business model should be decided on – media can be both for-profit and nonprofit – and a business plan set up to show to anyone approached for support and funding. Finally, site content can be distributed with the help of social media and search engines.