In the last 25 years, researchers have turned their attention to the role that social and self-awareness and insight play in psychotic disorders. Rothschild-Yakar and colleagues and Lacoua, Koren, and Rothschild-Yakar extended Handler's testing-of-limits queries by developing a structured post-testing method to determine patients' awareness of their disturbed responses both in terms of perceptual accuracy and the nature of reasoning underlying the patients' verbalizations. These researchers employed their new measure of awareness of perceptual and ideational deviations to determine the relationship of self-reflectivity and psychosis risk in a nonclinical sample of adolescents. They first administered the Rorschach according to the CS. Rothschild-Yakar also extended her investigation beyond traditional measures of reality testing and thought disturbance in predicting psychosis risk to social-cognitive and object relational realms. The results of the preliminary research of Rothschild-Yakar et al. and Lacoua, Koren, and Rothschild-Yakar set the stage for future prospective studies of the predictive validity of awareness measures on the Rorschach.