This chapter examines the enduring Rorschach contributions of intellectual giants David Rapaport and Robert Holt. It discusses some of the similarities and differences in their study and assessment of disordered thinking on the Rorschach. In contrast to the dearth of broad empirical grounding of Rapaport's system for coding deviant verbalizations, the empirical support for Holt's Pripro system has been extensive. Holt rightly occupies a distinguished position in any list of "Who's Who" in clinical psychology, psychoanalytic research, and personality assessment. Holt believed that Rapaport's list of deviant verbalizations was actually a way of categorizing formal manifestations of primary process experience. The scoring manual devised by Holt for assessing formal aspects of primary process thinking was thus an outgrowth and elaboration of Rapaport's work. Holt attempted to correlate primary process manifestations in Rorschach responses with formal characteristics of dreaming condensation, displacement, and symbolization.