During the early stages in the development of the AAT, our major aim was to cultivate particular images that tap athlete-and sport-specific dispositions, complexes, and themes. Following the progressive reduction of a large number of sport images (discussed in detail in Chapter 2), this work has culminated in the three general image sets below: (a) an adult image set (AAT: 10 images); (b) a supplementary set (AAT-S: 5 images); and a children’s set (AAT-C: 6 images). The images are presented below in a full-page landscape format. They can be cut directly from this book or photocopied (or downloaded from the e-version), and then pasted on cards or laminated; essentially, they are yours to do with as you choose. One further recommendation is to remove the image number from the image itself as this may become a distraction to the respondent, or be unwittingly incorporated into the story. See the basic projective test administration suggestions we have outlined in Chapter 4.